Advances in the strength and appearance of ceramic crowns have made them the leading choice in restoring damaged teeth to their former splendour. A tooth that has been damaged by root canal treatment, grinding, decay or fracture is likely to break from the stress of daily use. But a ceramic crown strengthens your tooth by providing 360 degrees of coverage. Ceramic crowns are used to cover a tooth that is likely to break or is too damaged to be corrected with a traditional filling. When you receive a crown, you will notice it effectively improves your tooth condition by:
Helping strengthen a heavily-restored tooth to prevent future fracture
Restoring structural integrity after loss of tooth structure
Relieving pain from any damage or fractures
Restoring form and function
Improving aesthetics
What to expect?
Single Appointment
Yes, it is absolutely true – you can have your final crown today. We are a CEREC® clinic, placing quality eMax™ ceramic crowns, inlays and overlays since 2012. To get started our dentists will prepare your tooth – removing all decay, old filling material and leaving a healthy blank canvas. Then they scan your tooth to create a digital three-dimensional model which they then use to start the designing process.
During this time you are free to relax and watch a movie on Netflix. Or maybe a short documentary rather, since a single crown may be done in as little as 45 minutes! While you are enjoying some well-deserved rest, we will be hard at work designing, milling and glazing your new ceramic crown.
At the time of placement, we will use a game-changing bonding system to fit your final crown. 5 Minutes is all it takes and once bonding has been done, you are free to use your crown as you please.
Now let’s take a moment to honour and appreciate the chemical, mechanical and electronic engineers who make us look good. Because without them, you’d still have impression material stuck to your lip, nursing a temporary crown whilst clearing your diary for the final placement in two weeks’ time.